There Will Always Be People

By Ariella Leib


There will always be people

Who believe what they do.

That's what religion means.


There will always be people

Who think you're wrong.

That's the reality of belief.


There will always be people

Who don't like difference

It's the way the mind works.


There will always be people

Who don't understand.

But it's okay, because you don't truly understand them either.


There will always be people

Who put down others

In order to feel good about themselves.


There will always be people

That feel the need to tell you

Why your opinions don't matter.


There will always be people

Who are more to the right than you

And who point out the length of your sleeves.


There will always be people

Who are more to the left than you

And who decide you're part of a cult.


There will always be people

Who create conflict.

But is conflict inevitable?


There will always be people

Who say that you're "too Jewish"

And that you believe too much.


There will always be people

Who say that you're "not Jewish enough"

And that you believe too little.


There will always be people

Who interpret life differently

And don't adhere to your logic.


There will always be people

Who say, "We can both be right."

But does belief allow for that?


There will always be people

Who say, "You are evil,"

Because your beliefs are different.


While we may not be able

To all be right,

It's important to show respect


Because the most important thing

That we all have in common

Is our ability to believe.


There will always be people,

So find your own path

And respect that others may be different.