
Established in 1988 as a cooperative venture between Wayne State University and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit/United Jewish foundation, the Cohn-Haddow Center embodies the fruitful relationship that has long linked the University to the metropolitan Jewish community. It is supported by an Endowment Fund of over a million dollars, representing gifts from individual donors and trust funds.

The Cohn-Haddow Center serves as a resource to the University and to the larger community in Jewish studies and related areas. As such, it sponsors a broad array of programs and activities that expand several of the University's wide-ranging missions. From biannual international conferences to smaller symposia, incidental lectures, and broadly-defined cultural events, the Cohn-Haddow Center has introduced the University and community to some of the world's most distinguished and eminent academics, writers, poets, artists, and musicians.

The Cohn-Haddow Center has carved a niche for itself in the world of Jewish scholarship and letters. Working cooperatively, the Cohn-Haddow Center has planned and coordinated programs and sponsored events with other institutions of higher learning to a degree rare among academic centers of Jewish studies. Working independently, the Cohn-Haddow Center has held regional events that address the needs of the Jewish community. Its systematic and significant outreach mission reflects the creative vision that makes Wayne State a national leader in the area of university-community relations.

We encourage you to consider the Cohn-Haddow Center as a resource.